Episode 33: Dave Harris v. An Ex-Girlfriend
Dave Harris (comedian, Beer Me) uses the threat of a block to win back an ex-girlfriend (and it works! Sort of). Elsewhere, the Blocked Boys continue on their crusade to be the first show ever with multiple hosts that refuse to use the term co-host with middling results, and they reminisce on childhood skin mags. The three men also go in on Baby Shark, the Honor and Respect shoes, the family game where a dog pisses in your kid’s face, and Stefan becomes an olive guy.
If you want some extra olives, you can donate $5 a month to https://patreon.com/blockedparty, where that donation gets you access to TWO sweet bonus episodes a month. We wrapped up June with two great bonuses with Jack Allison and Chris James, and July promises to be a doozy, with another Cameo episode coming out this Wednesday with a VERY special guest and our first-ever video bonus comes later this month as Stefan tries a tuna-and-peas pizza. It’s a good time to be a donor.